Emmett changed my life.
If you’ve been around this community for any length of time, you already know that, but it bears repeating: A dog can change your life if you’re open to the possibility.
He started me on this journey, and without Emmett, this space wouldn’t exist. These words wouldn’t exist. That’s pretty amazing.
I think it’s vital to look backwards to move forwards, so each year I’ve participated in the annual pet blogger’s challenge, which this year morphed into this, Pet Bloggers Journey. If you’d like to participate, you’ll find all the info in this post from our friend Colby at puppyintraining.com who graciously hosted this year’s blog hop.
I’ll circle back around to Em in a bit, but without further preamble, here are my answers to this year’s questions with an emphasis on where this site is headed.
Pet Bloggers Journey 2020
- When did you begin your blog? And, for anyone stopping by for the first time, please give us a quick description of what your blog is about.
I started 10 years ago. A little more than 10, actually. That’s really hard to believe, to be honest. Where does the time go? My tagline sums up my blog content: obsessed with dogs. Since its inception, though, I’ll note that I’ve lost the two original dogs who helped me launch this space–Emmett and Lucas–and added two cats and two kids to the crew, so the content does often feature cats… and the occasional kid appearance. We’re still obsessed with dogs, but I think there’s been a natural evolution over the last decade–which I look at as a good thing, because if you don’t change in 10 years, you’re doing something wrong! - Name one thing about your blog, or one blogging goal that you accomplished during 2019, that made you most proud.
Tying into the evolution I mentioned above, becoming more involved in the Cat Writers’ Association and writing posts that I hope help multi-species households coexist peacefully. The icing on the cake was that I actually won the Fear Free award at the annual CWA meeting for a post that checked those peaceful, happy pets boxes!
(And though it’s not directly related to this space, I have to add: I am SO PROUD that Carol Bryant and I released our book in 2019, Pet Blogging for Love and Money!!) - Which of your 2019 blog posts was your favorite and why? (Please include a link.)
I wrote less in 2019 than ever before–between 1 and 4 posts per month–because of a million life interruptions, but I think the post I’m most proud of was the first one I wrote in 2019 about removing barriers to pet adoption. You can find it here. It’s a topic that’s so close to my heart and one I feel is extremely misunderstood. Oddly, it got a ton of support on the blog and on Instagram but a TON of anger on Facebook. ::insert shrug emoji here:: I’m also super pumped because this post is up for an award at the upcoming Dog Writers Association of America banquet, so fingers crossed! - What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2019, and how did you tackle it?
This was a challenging year. I ended up with a bunch of injuries–a pinched nerve in my lower back in February, a sprained ankle (both SO HARD with a 2-year-old) in April immediately after recovering from the back thing, a perforated appendix in August/September that landed me in the hospital, etc.–and ended the year with the sudden and wonderful birth of baby Astrid (who I realize I never formally introduced here, so stay tuned) and a 9-day stint in the NICU in November. My biggest challenge in 2019 was just taking one step forward day after day. I didn’t skip any months altogether, but during the most difficult months–when I was in the hospital for my appendix and then when I was in the hospital with Astrid–I only managed one post. While there were moments throughout the year when I was frustrated (I am a truly TERRIBLE injured/sick person because I refuse to ever believe there’s anything wrong with me and John has to wrestle me to take basic care of myself… and I know this, but I can’t do anything about it… he could tell you some stories, that’s for sure), so while I occasionally felt frustrated, none of it was in my control. All that said, my biggest blogging challenge in 2019 was time, but I did the best I could, so I’m totally OK with that. - One goal that we all seem to share is we want to reach more people. What is your #1 tip for bringing more traffic to your blog?
Write well. I say this over and over and over again. I’d shout it from the rooftops if given the opportunity. Write well. That’s it. Be helpful, tell good stories, be clear, proofread. Every single SEO strategy or social media tactic or ideal posting time on Facebook or blah blah blah will only help you so much. Then, the landscape changes, and if you’re reliant upon those tips and tricks to get you traffic, well, you’re constantly having to change gears. Focus on the work. Focus on the writing (or photography if that’s your thing). Write well. Seriously. And, btw, if you want some technical info to back that up, here’s the thing: Google’s AI is becoming soooo smart. No longer do we need to think about exact keywords because “search intent” is here and it’s real. If you write well, the people who are looking for the information you’re sharing will find it because Google is starting to really understand, first, what people are really looking for and, second, what you’re really saying in your work. Write well. - Do you do sponsored posts/reviews? If so, what do you find works best and how do you determine what to charge for a blog post, social media shares, etc.? If not, is this something you’d like to do more of? What hurdle is getting in your way?
I do some but not many. It has to be a perfect match for me and my family in order for me to justify writing about it. I’m not going to promote something just for the sake of money. That said, I do utilize affiliate links for anything I mention because why not? As for pricing, I think the smartest move is to never, ever, ever just quote a price. Don’t post one of your site or media kit either. Instead, I rely on a conversation with the brand that goes something like this: “What are your goals and your budget for this project? I’d like to put together a proposal tailored to meet your needs.” That way, I know what they expect to spend and can offer something that I think is a fair exchange. - Looking forward to 2020, if you accomplish only one thing through your blog, what do you hope it is?
This year I’m writing another book. However, it’s not a business book like Pet Blogging. Instead, it’s narrative nonfiction, my sweet spot, bringing together the stories I’ve told here and those that I haven’t around a central theme: Dogs teach us what it means to be human. And the whole thing starts with Emmett. I’ve written about 15,000 words already (aiming for around 75k) that are super rough and not quite fully following that thread yet, but I’m on my way. This ties into the blog because I plan to work out/work on some of the material through posts woven throughout the year. I feel like comments and feedback will help me refine my work (or, you know, send me into a spiral of panic and self-doubt, but #writinglife). - What steps are you planning to take to ensure you reach your goal?
I set a goal of writing 300 words per day until I hit the 75k. I’ve missed a few days, but I’ve also written more on many of the days. I think it’ll balance out, but by stating it here, you all can keep me accountable! If I’m puttering on Instagram, feel free to call me out: “Did you write your words today?!?!” 🙂 - The blogging landscape is constantly changing. What changes in blogging do you see coming in 2020 and beyond? What plans do you have to evolve?
I think readers expect more from blogs than ever before. Blogs need to be useful, to answer questions, to entertain. For bloggers who want to tell stories and keep things light, that’s awesome! I hope they feel empowered to do so! However, from the perspective of everyone’s two audiences–Google and people–blogs that want to operate like a business need to focus on providing valuable, high-quality content to stay relevant and profitable. For me, I’m striving to write detailed posts that answer questions I get a lot (examples: golden paste, teach your dog to come, veggies for dogs) with a mix of lighter posts that hopefully spark a conversation (examples: what I wish you knew about my reactive dog, the five love languages of dogs). - If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?
I’m burnt out on social media. Just plain fried. I’m spending, according to the app, a max of six minutes per day on Facebook, and that still feels like too much to me! 🙂 In all seriousness, this year I decided to invest in CoSchedule (that’s an affiliate link) so that I could post more consistently on social without having to spend a big amount of time on the platforms. I don’t think it’s going to serve me super well with Pinterest, but I had a year-long subscription to Tailwind and never really felt like I got my money’s worth. All that said: How do YOU manage your social media? How much time to do you spend on each channel, and–most importantly–is there a return on that time investment??
Welp. Once again I just about hit 2000 words on this post, so if you made it this far, you deserve a medal. I’m so grateful to Colby for picking up this challenge, and I’m SO GLAD he called it a “journey” because that’s exactly what this is… a long and winding road.
I can’t wait to read everyone else’s responses. If you’re a blogger and want to participate, or if you want to compare notes, check out the Linky below. Thanks, friends, for sticking with me for all these years. I am deeply grateful for you, your pets, and your time that you share in this space.
First I would like to congratulate you on your book with Carol Bryant. Such a great accomplishment! Being new in the pet blogging community you definitely have some great advice for newbies like myself. I love the fact that you make goals on your words per day. What a fantastic way to reach one’s goal when trying to keep up on writing. I can agree right now I am spending 15 minutes a day on social media platforms all 8 of them for me. I use things like Twitter Deck to add team members to help me with keeping up on tweets. My goal is to spend some time on Sunday evening to schedule all my Facebook posts and twitter posts ahead of time for the week. It does bring a lot of traffic which being new I really rely on my social networks. It gives me time to learn the other social networks and determine what is working for me. It is very time-consuming I agree! Sorry, I am not much help at giving you any suggestions. But Thank you for sharing your very inspiring journey to get to know you better. Wishing you all the best at accomplishing your goals and building more success this new year! You’re doing amazing and I can’t wait to see what you have new coming this year!
Hi Maggie!
Thanks for joining the Journey! Before I decided to host I read through all of my PBC post and all of Amy’s posts on GoPetFriendly. I thought what an awesome “journey” this has been for a lot of us old time bloggers. By the way, congratulations you are on of a very few who participated in the first Pet Blogger Challenge and the first Pet Bloggers Journey.
Congratulations on the book! That’s an amazing accomplishment and I enjoyed reading it. I was going to read it on my plane ride to the Mediavine Conference, but I was so excited I read it a few days before my flight.
I read through your “how not to adopt” post and yep, the same thing happened to me. A month or so before I returned Stetson to the Guide Dog school I approached the Labrador Retriever Rescue at an adoption event. I asked about adopting and they immediately shot me down because I worked a full time job. Ugh! They said I wouldn’t have enough time for a dog.
Regarding social media. I’m only using Tailwind for Pinterest. All other social media channels as Amy Burkert used to say in these challenges: “I post as the spirit moves me.”
One last questions for you: Did you write 300 words today?
Thanks for participating in the blog hop! I hope you have a great and injury free 2020!
Kimberly Gauthier
Happy New Year!! Sorry for all of the injuries. Yikes!!! It’s amazing that you’ve had your blog for a decade. That’s amazing.
When it comes to social media, I’ve found that making a task list works best for me. I love social media for what it does for my blog and for the connections I’ve made, but the drama of social media is such a turn off that if I didn’t love blogging so much, I’d probably become a technology hermit. LOL
Carol Lowbeer
I read your book a while back when it first came out, and wrote a star review on it…my honest opinion as it was.outstanding in detail! I’m sure your next will have the same qualities. When I saw your post about goals of writing ____ words per day, I knew you were truly focused. It really is the way to get anything done! The jury is sure out on social media. I’ve been hoping many of my Facebook engaged fans would turn into subscribers but the return is disappointingly small so far. Good luck with your next book, what better goal could there be? I don’t feel empowered enough to call you out on Instagram, though!
Hannah Zulueta
Hi Maggie. Wow you went through quite a bit last year. And you still got your book out. Thank you for including me to be part of it. Still a bit shy about actually being in a book since I still see myself as a beginner. Hello imposter syndrome.
Social Media can be a huge time suck – that’s from one that does it for a living for others. It’s got its place in the marketing machine and it’s important to properly allocate the correct amount of time to it because … well writing is more important. Thank you so much for your tips. I have taken them to heart. Going to write, write some more, proofread (a huge weakness of mine) and provide value.
Here’s to a great 2020.
Debi @ Rescue Dogs 101
Your “how not to adopt” post is fantastic! 2019 sounds like it was a bit crazy for you! Congrats on your book and new baby 😉
Social media… I wish I didn’t have to be on any platform for any amount of time, LOL. I’ve pretty much given up on Instagram. Facebook, I’m on daily but not more than 30 minutes each day. Twitter I gave up last year, just never enjoyed that one. I just don’t see a much ROI on any of the platforms.
I like Pinterest and Tailwind. I’m not crazy about the Tribes, but I do like the scheduler a lot. It makes is so easy to make several pins for each post and spread them out over time and boards.
Cheers to an awesome 2020!
I don’t overthink social media anymore. It doesn’t bring all that much traffic for me, so I just kind of post on there when I feel inspired. I try to post at least a few times a week on facebook and Instagram. I do schedule out on Pinterest with Tailwind but I struggle to keep up there and Pinterest keeps changing. So … I hear ya. I think you do a great job on Instagram sharing bits of your day to day through the stories.
Congrats on your book. I have the paperback version and found it really helpful.
Carol Bryant
What a joy it has been to publish our first book together. I know you had a rollercoaster ride in 2019, as you’ve shared here. Thanks a thousand times over for reminding folks to write well.
I look forward to reading your next book and to more successes in 2020 and beyond.
Wags and hugs.
Barbara Rivers
Hi Maggie, congratulations on co-authoring your book with Carol Bryant! Like I’ve told her already, it’s in my Amazon shopping cart, ready to be checked out when I’ve caught up with my reading list. I’m looking forward to reading it!
Here’s to a successful, most importantly HEALTHY year 2020!
I have a Lucas too. He’s a chihuahua-yorkie mix.
For social media I focus mostly on Facebook since I have a large audience there and I use Smarter Queue to schedule most of it, along with Facebook’s own schedule for things I don’t want to repeat. I also use Tailwind for Pinterest and don’t feel like I’m getting my money’s worth either. I do very little on Twitter and nothing on Instagram.
Irene McHugh
Congratulations on co-authoring a book and challenging yourself to write another one, even in a different genre. Sounds like your daily writing goal is going well too. Don’t forget to reward yourself with a little something something for hitting certain milestones. I’m big on giving myself tiny rewards for establishing good habits.
As far as social media goes, I do use Tailwind because Pinterest is the one platform where you just never know what Pin could take off when. I need to spend more time creating new Pins, though. I purchased a lifetime access to the scheduler Social Bee for some of the other platforms, but I have done nothing with it yet. Seriously, not a thing. I don’t see much traffic from social, so I’m inclined to focus less on tasks related to social media.
Angela Schneider
Yes, dogs change you! That’s how I ended up getting into this crazy dog business, too!
For social media, I think it’s really important to dive into your analytics and see what’s working for you. If you aren’t getting any traction from Pinterest or Instagram or whatever, it is A-OK to drop whatever platform and concentrate on the ones that are working for you. We have to manage social media, not let it manage us. 🙂
Thank you for your book! I was on a strict no more shiny objects policy lol but I bought your book anyway 🙂
I love your barriers post – there’s a lot of bias in the rescue world toward the poor in my opinion.
I hope you and your little girl are healthy and best wishes for a healthy new year.
Marjorie and The Dash Kitten Crew
I agree that writing well is vitl. It is something I am working on all the time and I do go back and revise posts I am not happy with. We can always improve can’t we?
I use Social Bee for scheduling help so I can avoid spending a lot of time on social media. It is so easy to just drown in the stuff. I can schedule IG photos of FB posts too. Saves two weeks work all at once wooHOO