About two weeks ago, it became clear that Emmett was having that problem again.
You know.
The problem with his… erm… peep.
That same day, his oncologist called to say that she needed some updated blood work to authorize his chemo refill, so we trundled off to the vet to have the CBC done, along with the swab for his chronic man problem.
Typically, his blood tests go like this: Front desk gal gushes all over him, he hops on the scale but wags too much to get a solid read on his weight, the tech takes him back to draw blood, the vet gives the thumbs up, we’re out the door. Fifteen minutes. Twenty if there’s extra gushing.
So, when the vet sat down and started a physical exam, we knew something was wrong.
His platelets tanked. They weren’t in the terrifying zone where they can bleed out from spontaneous hemorrhaging, but he was just north of that number. By this time, because we had an evening appointment, Purdue’s oncology department was closed for the night. So, our local vet sent us home with instructions to keep him on restriction: no exercise, no being around unknown dogs, etc. A bleed would be very bad. She’ll call in the AM…
His incredible oncologist called first thing the next day and went over the details. His platelet count had to recover–though sometimes it never does in long-term chemo patients. So, we stopped his chemo that day and planned a CDC recheck in one week.
A week later, his numbers were a smidge higher but not high enough to be safe.
So, he’s off chemo. The risks of the bleeding far outweigh the risks of tumor growth at this point.
Now we wait.
They’ll recheck his platelet count in early January, then he goes up to Purdue for a full workup mid-January.
In the meantime, she said it’s cool for him to take a short meander around the block since he loves it so much, but no running (ha!! Emmett running?!?!) and no rough play. The bleeding risk is too great. It’s not like he and Cooper play all that rough, but they do sometimes plod around and bash into each other, so we’re having to keep an eye on Coop, too.
All stressful stuff.
Luckily, the penis infection is clearing up. 😀
Poor Emmett…
Aging is not easy.
But, he’s doing it with grace. I mean, he had his manpart swabbed–for the millionth time–and blood drawn every six weeks for the last two years, and he STILL loves the vet tech. He adores the vet’s office, even the oncology ward at Purdue!
He is nothing but happy. Full of joy and life and love.
His new challenge is winter. We got our first round of snow and ice, and it sent us for a bit of a tailspin. The ToeGrips that have served him so well for so long were no match to the slick and snowy deck and yard.
He kept falling, which is incredibly dangerous on top of the platelet issue. What if he bashed his chin or got a cut or bruise?
So, now he has boots! They’re aahhhhhmazing. He’s been almost entirely slide-free since we got them.
“This is so humiliating…”
And, yeah, that’s Cooper wearing a double-layer fleece because this morning was -4 degrees, and he flat-out refuses to go outside unless he’s bundled up. John’s been joking that he should find a way to knit some kind of full-body/snuggy-type thing for the little bean.
Anyway, between the struggles with the arthritis in his spine, loss of muscle mass, penis infections, platelet counts, and so on… this aging business is no joke.
But, man, he’s happy. He’s so full of joy and excitement, no matter what, no matter how many times he gets his peep swabbed. And that’s all you can ask for, right?
Well, that and an improved platelet count…
Smooches Em!!!
<3 <3
Love to Emmett and no to the perpetual penis-swabbing. My husband is enduring something similar so my heart hurts for them both. Glad the boots are helping but perhaps Emmett would prefer staying with me in our (as of this moment) 68*?
I think he would very much prefer to stay with you in that weather!! 🙂 He’s NOT a cold weather fan, that’s for sure!
Jan K
Aging definitely is no joke. Sorry to hear about Emmett’s latest issue with his platelets; I know that has to be so worrisome. But I love that he is happy in spite of all that – I think I wrote very similar words about our girls yesterday! We’ll be thinking of you all and pulling for him to get those numbers up.
The scene is familiar…..boots and coats, all of it! Luke will go outside without a coat or sweater, but it’s not long before he’s shivering. We’ve had a real cold spell here the last couple of days, and his paws can’t handle the cold either. I expect he will put up a struggle over boots, like everything else, so we’ll add it the list of things to work on; and stay inside when it’s that cold (which is actually fine with me!). Time to work on some indoor games!
Fine with me, too! I’m not fond of these low temps. I need to refresh our list of indoor games… thanks for that reminder!!
Let me know how it goes with Luke and the boots!! Especially if there’s video! 😉
leslie l
Oh, poor Emmett! That sweet boy is the poster dog for ‘loving life and living it to the fullest’! I can’t imagine what you could do or how you would manage all he’s been through if he were the least bit reactive, or ANYTHING other than the saint he is. I love him so much for being such a wonderful ambassador for his breed, and for being the wonderful love-bug that he is. His ‘brother from another Mother’, Cole, was good, but he had nowhere near Emmett’s tolerance. Emmett is truly one of a kind, and I am praying for his blood results to rebound into the ‘good’ zone soon.
He looks so cute in his boots. Cooper, too.
We’ve been in the single digits with freezing rain and no one has had a walk in FIVE days! Too cold, too wet and dangerously slippery.
The dogs would be willing to try, but I’ve had to be the adult here and be brave enough to say “no walk” when I knew it was potentially harmful for all of us. Now that their new Christmas coats are here, at least we’ll be able to go if it’s only cold. These all-weather coats are totally amazing and perfect for chilly, wet fall, as well as full-blown winter..
The style is “Ultra Paws Comfort Coat”, and you can find it on several sites.
NO, I am NOT affiliated with this company in ANY way and I am NOT getting ANYTHING for mentioning this!. But, after TWO years of looking, trying, buying and returning, and MUCH frustration, I finally found a coat that is exactly what I would have made, myself, if I were able. Which I am NOT. Just thought I’d share the results of my efforts. 😉
Happy Holidays to you and yours. I hope that the rest of you are doing well.
Extra kisses and prayers for Emmett for better test results and just because he deserves all the love in the world. Wishing better health for all of you in 2017.
XXOX from Me, Wishbone, Freya and Badness Catness.
You are so sweet, Leslie!! (Looking up that coat for Coop now…)
I’ve actually thought a lot about how lucky it is that Em is so friendly and so optimistic. It’s made all of these ordeals so much better and easier on all of us. He’s my little rock because no matter how much I’m freaking out about his numbers, he’s just like, “Hey, man, it’s cool! Look at all these people who are patting me, and I keep getting treats! Woot!” 🙂
Happy holidays to you and your crew! I hope it’s merry and bright!!
Oh he looks so cute in his boots!!! Hope his numbers improve quickly. He sure looks well!!!
Thank you so much. 😀 He seems to be feeling well, and that’s the most important thing!!
Callie, Shadow, and Ducky's Mom
Aw, poor Emmett. I’m glad he’s still happy and full of his typical joie de vivre. In that kind of cold, I think even Shadow would want to stay inside. Meanwhile, I pray his platelet count comes back up soon! It must be horribly stressful for you and John.
Cooper in his fleece. OMD! Just so cute and funny.
I am so sorry to hear that Emmett has hit a speed bump. I hope his platelets continue to increase and he feels better. I can relate to the falling down. I’ve thought about getting Cupcake toe grips, but wasn’t sure they worked. Maybe it’s time. The wood floors are her problem right now. Your dogs. I love them so much.
Lots of love and positive vibes headed your way!
Emmett is such an amazing dog! Hoping for a positive update come January!