Do you remember that creepy, utterly un-romantic, call-the-cops 80s “love” song by The Police, Every Breath You Take? If you really listen to the lyrics, there is nothing sweet about that song:
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Ummmm…. OK, stalker. Turns out, though, that’s Cooper’s theme song!
Cooper has some issues, of course. One of his “quirks” is that I have to be in his eye-line at. all. times. If I’m in the kitchen and he’s on his dog bed, and I step out of his range of sight, he pops up out of his bed and runs over to see where I went. If I’m upstairs and he’s downstairs… wait, that never happens because as soon as I get up to go upstairs, he gets up to follow… And if I go outside with one of the other boys to play or train?
He will literally start to cry if he doesn’t see me and can’t figure out where I am.
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you
If I’m on the couch, he’s on my lap:
When I climb in bed, he’s on my legs (Emmett’s presence in this pic is much, much rarer):
It goes so far that if John is downstairs playing tug or chase or training with the boys, and I walk upstairs to change the laundry, Cooper will abandon the Super Fun Game With Treats to stand there with me. While I do laundry.
It’s a tad overwhelming, sure, but it’s also a little bit flattering. My mom describers Cooper as a “one person dog,” which I suppose is true. But it’s so unusual for me because Emmett and Lucas are the opposite. Emmett loves EVERYONE equally. Lucas is slightly more picky, but not much – anyone who comes into the house will have him in their lap within minutes. Cooper? Not so much. At all.
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you
(Seriously, isn’t that the WORST song ever?! So restraining-order-ish.)
Do you have a dog like Cooper? One who is solely fixated on you? Or is your dog like Emmett, loving absolutely everyone? Or a Lucas, an in-between guy who’s wary of some folks out and about but loving and sweet as soon as he gets to know you (which is usually minutes)?
I have a Lucas. Daisy does not trust strangers, and that’s if she’s not actively warning them away. You may pet her if she does not know you, but she does not actively engage. Once she has determined you are not a threat and you may be willing to engage in some playtime, you may as well be part of the couch. Because she’s going to sit on your lap and put her nose on your nose.
OMG, Amanda!!! “… you may as well be part of the couch.” Hilarious!!!! It sounds like Daisy and Lucas are really similar!
Harlow does the same thing. I’ve turned around and have fallen over her. She’ll occasionally leave me if she thinks she hears something interesting going on, but in a few seconds she will be back.
Monty and Harlow
HA! I’m so glad you brought that up. I should’ve mentioned how under-foot Cooper is. Although, Harlow is much bigger than he is, so I’m sure it’s more treacherous for you!!
Ray is somewhere between Cooper and Lucas. Usually if we are in the same house, then we are usually touching in some way and if I’m sitting down he is on my lap. Occasionally he will let someone else pet him if I’m in the vicinity, but usually only if I’m occupied.
Julius is way more like Emmett and he loves everybody (and everybody loves him.)
That’s so funny – it does sound like Ray is an even split between C and L. Gotta love those unique lovers like Julius and Em! I only wish the others could learn from him…
Lilly is my Cooper. Definitely. At Christmas Eve with my family — cousins, kids, aunts, uncles, etc. Lilly NEVER left me…even sat on the chair in the living room next to me as we sang Christmas Carols. Great photos!! ALL the other dogs were enjoying themselves outside, downstairs with kids, sleeping in the quiet upstairs. Lilly? RIGHT under/next to/attached to me!! A one person dog that’s for sure!
HA! That sounds exactly like what Coop would’ve done in the same situation! It’s funny – and pretty sweet – how they choose to stick with “their” person even when there are other dogs running around!
That sounds just like Mojo, however, I should have named him shadow, as he is literally my shadow, or ride or die dude.
I’ve thought about other names for Cooper… Velcro seems to be the lead contender.
Diane Rose-Solomon
Ninja is my Cooper. Hence his name Ninja. He’s black and stealthy. If I’m washing dishes at the sink, facing away from the rest of the room, he sneaks up and if I turn around I often trip over him. He’s 65 pounds and wears tags that jingle. But he stilll manages to pad over. We’ve had him for almost 3 years and he still counter surfs when I go out, or chews through a box. Has to let me know he missed me. When I get up at 5am, he follows me downstairs in the dark and gets on the bed in the office. Our other dog, Gonzo, can’t be bothered to get out of the warm bed. I don’t blame him.
How do they manage to be so sneaky?! With size + tags, you’d think we could hear ’em coming! How sweet he goes to work with you in the mornings. Like Gonzo, I’d choose the bed, but it’s so endearing that Ninja accompanies you!
Chelsea Price
HA! So funny! That is definitely the Stalker’s Anthem. Riley is definitely just like this with his daddy…when my husband leaves a room, Riley leans over so far he almost topples over in order to keep his eyes on him! Me, though, he couldn’t care less if I leave : / Hmph!
Stalker’s Anthem!!!! Hilarious!
You know, I’ve often wondered if Cooper’s behavior hurts John’s feelings… Do you feel like that at all with Riley?
Jan K
Ha ha, I never thought that about that song before, but now I’m totally with you on it! Luke is the only one that sticks close to me most of the time, usually following me whenever I leave a room. But he will let me out of his sight sometimes. The girls love everyone, but Luke doesn’t like strangers and it takes him quite a while to warm up to other people (right now I think one of my sisters is the only other person he loves other than hubby and me).