(I have to give credit for the title to my friend Sof! Hilarious!)
I flew home on Sunday completely exhausted but totally re-energized, if that makes any sense. I mean, look at this place!
Regardless of the gorgeous setting, BlogPaws was fabulous. Tons of great sessions, like a report on the state of fleas and ticks (summary: it’s bad… very bad… I’m going to write about this sometime soon) by expert Steve Dale.
Then, there were tons of sessions on the nuts-and-bolts of blogging and social media, lots of great brands to learn about, and – of course – a good bit of socializing. I was lucky to hang out with so many wonderful women whose blogs can teach me so much about improving things around here!
Oh, and there was a capybara!
And more darling dogs, cats, and ferrets than you would believe – but, unfortunately, when I downloaded all the pics I took, about half of them were corrupt. No clue why, but boo. I did manage to get this darling pic of a sleep Gretel from YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner.com.
I have pages and pages of notes to comb through, and a whole bunch of incredible people to follow up with, but all in all it was an incredible weekend. I learned a lot and can’t wait for next year in Nashville!
In the meantime, I have a lot of catching up to do work-wise and with snuggling my herd. So, for today, I’m going to leave you with this (albeit choppy) video of Tillman, the skateboarding bulldog!
Tillman the skateboarding dog from Maggie Marton on Vimeo.
You beat me to the punch, Maggie… (My post coming out later) It was a great weekend and I’m so glad we got to connect!
Gretel was there?! Wow, all kinds of folks I “know” go to Blog Paws. Maybe I’ll make it there one of these years, it sounds like everybody learns all sorts of great stuff.
Great title. So good to meet you in Vegas. Thanks for the vid of Tillman, we missed it!
It was great hanging out with you. I am so glad we got to know each other a little better, it was all such a fun time.
I’m still sad I missed it, but I am looking forward to next year!
Jan K
Great video and photos….it looks like you had a wonderful time. I definitely have to go next year, I feel like I missed out on so much!
Singing Dogs
Wish we could have gone to Vegas this year. They should do Vegas each year since the flights are so inexpensive. 🙂