Occasionally, you snap that perfect picture. You know the one where your dog’s personality just shines through? I have thousands of pictures of my guys but only a few that fall in that “perfect” category. Here are my three favorite photos. Each, I think, reflects the dogs’ personalities so perfectly.
Do you have a perfect picture of your dog?? Share it on the Facebook wall so we can all see and “like” them! I love, love, LOVE these perfect pics!!
Those pictures are absolutely perfect. That shot of Lucas, I think, shows that little bit of natural guardian in him. Yes, he’s ready to GO! but he’s also got a vigilant eye on the whole scene. No one will ever be as safe as when Lucas is around.
And Cooper! Oh my…. So much trouble when he’s in that mood, but he’s just so darned cute. I think it’s partly because he’s so small around the other two.
Sweet, sweet, Emmett. He gives you that look where he makes you feel like the most special person in the entire world, but he’s simultaneously sniffing and analyzing the air to determine what you were dumb enough to leave on the counter. This is usually when he would do a fake bark to get Lucas and Cooper to run to the door, which would mean we would have to go get those two while he helps himself to counter crumbs. Sounds complicated, but he does that. At least he’s pretty!
They are perfect pictures of beautiful dogs. To capture their looks, and their spirit as well, is an opportunity usually missed. At least for this amateur photographer. Like you I have a lot of pictures, but I only cherish a handful.