Yesterday I wrote about BSL, what it is, why it’s wrong, and my commitment to do something about it.
We’re presented with a unique opportunity. In September, BlogPaws will be held in Denver, a city that has already killed 2,266 dogs as part of their breed ban. BlogPaws is the coming together of hundreds of bloggers, hundreds of writers who are a voice for the animals, hundreds of people determined to be the change.
So here’s what I propose: I want to educate and advocate for the dogs and responsible owners who suffer under BSL.
Let’s use our blogs as the platform to educate people about BSL. I challenge you to write about BSL. Write about how it affects responsible pet owners in cities like Denver. Write about bullies and German Shepherds and Rottweilers who are shining examples of their wonderful breeds. Write about owners making a difference or organizations working to combat BSL. Write and link and tweet and update your status to show that you are a blogger against BSL. I commit to posting links to every blog post that you write. This weekend, I’m working on a redesign to the blog that includes a tab dedicated to BSL-related blog posts, news stories, and useful links. Can I add yours to my list? Let’s make a whole lot of noise about BSL and why it’s discriminatory, unethical, unfounded, and, most importantly, why we won’t stand for it.
But I believe we can do more. I believe we can advocate for the animals and owners affected by BSL.
Denver is known as the mile-high city. One mile is 5,280 feet. I propose that we activate our networks to create 5,280 feet of postcards that show our individual opposition to BSL. That’s 9,052 5×7″ postcards, which I will then mail to the Colorado State House. Let’s flood them with postcards that give a voice to the animals and owners who are suffering under the breed ban.
So that’s the idea. Here’s how I see it working – but please, please weigh in! I want this to be a collaboration.
I will create a series of templates that anyone can download and use. The templates will ensure that the postcards meet USPS’ requirements. But everyone can exercise their creativity to make the cards unique. Put pictures of bullies and Shepherds and Akitas on the front, and write a personal note about why you think Denver should repeal their breed ban. Include stats, anecdotes, heartfelt messages supporting the victims of this legislation. After the cards are created, I will collect them either via email or U.S. Mail. I’ll bring the whole mile-long chain of postcards to BlogPaws – maybe we can even display them in one of the conference rooms! Then, once BlogPaws ends, the whole shebang will be mailed all together, all at once to the State House to show in a loud, vibrant, visual way that we are opposed to BSL and that we support these breeds and their responsible owners.
I’m going to work on the changes to the site over the weekend and work out several of the logistical details. Expect to see the full “how to” of it all on Monday! In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you! Will you commit to creating a postcard? To activating your network to create postcards? How about tackling BSL on your own blog?
Amazing! I think that’s the perfect way to get the word out about this absolutely awful piece of legislation. Let me know what I can do to help!
Michele C. Hollow
I am going to write about BSL as part of an on going series, and I would love to help in this project to end this unjust discrimination.
Thank you, Michele! Make sure you send me the link to your post. I’m going to start an anti-BSL library.
Great idea! Is there a way of finding/engaging ALL of the Colorado shelters, rescues, pit bull owners associations, etc?
How about a standard tweet that everyone sends at a set time every day/week between now and BlogPaws – so that BSL becomes a trending topic.
GoPetFriendly will certainly commit to the post card idea. BTW, we have a German Shepherd and can’t imagine him being on anyone’s restricted breed list.
Yes!! I’m firing off letters to everyone I can think of in Colorado, including media. A standard tweet is a FANTASTIC idea! Thank you so much for your input… I knew I wouldn’t think of everything, but between now and Monday I’m going to collect everyone’s ideas and put together the full campaign. I’m so excited that we’re all banding together to be the change. Because you’re exactly right: It’s so hard as a responsible pet owner to imagine anyone banning our delightful dogs. Especially because it’s solely based on how they look (which I think they look pretty darn cute)!
Hi Maggie – Cady and her mom passed on information about your blog and we have posted a link to it on the Bloomington Pet Pals Facebook page –
Thanks for drawing attention to this issue.
Thank you so much, Ann! I sincerely appreciate you passing along the link.
This is a great post…people need to know that BSL does not SOLVE anything. Responsible pet ownership does.
For those who may not want to write a post about BSL, they could write a brief post on what’s going on and link to other blogs. Help promoting a cause and SEO juice!
awesome idea, (given that Blogpaws shouldn’t be supporting Denver by holding their convention there in the first place). I will do what I can to spread the word
BTW: the target should be DENVER, and the citizens of Denver, not the state legislator. The state already passed a “no BSL” law, so they are on the right side. But the law is toothless because of their Constitution’s “home rule” provision which allows places like Denver to exempt themselves from the law. Denver city officials are locked into their pit bull hate mindset. I encourage you to focus on educating more citizens of Denver, and finding new people to run for city council. But I fear that at this point only legal action (like the service dog trial) is going to change anything for pit bulls in Denver
This One Wild Life
I will absolutely participate. Blogging on topic, tweeting, writing post cards, sharing on Facebook… I’m happy to use whatever means available.
Perhaps picking a specific day to blog en force and using the Linky tool like the Saturday Blog Hop does might be a great way to unify across the web! I’d be happy to help.
Yvonne DiVita
This is outstanding! I’m so in favor of this – a collective voice insisting the powers that be change this unfair focus on our pets – pit bulls today, who knows what tomorrow. I will also post on the BlogPaws blog – because we all need to work together to make change happen. I like the specific day idea, too. That could generate a lot of Google juice.
Thank you for thinking of this. We need to combat the issue and this is the very best way. At our end, we are educating ourselves so we can bring that knowledge to BlogPaws and support this change movement.
Remember what Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of dedicated individuals can make change happen. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Thank you so much for your support, Yvonne! I’m working on getting all the details organized and will be posting tomorrow. I’m so excited that we’re all willing to work to be the change on this issue. Because you’re exactly right: there’s nothing to stop them from going after other breeds. In fact, that’s what just happened in Clarksdale, MS.
Jan Keith
Great idea! Great forum! One suggestion: The BSL problem is NOT with the State of Colorado, it rests with the CITIES! Take your mile high postcards to a Denver city council meeting. It’s this city’s rigid enforcement of their absurd BSL that has caused the deaths of so many dogs, NOT the state’s laws. The state does NOT allow breed discrimination. Denver is a Home Rule city and has been able to supercede/circumvent state law! There is also a petition drive which is currently being conducted to replace the Denver City Council with fair, anti-BSL leaders. See
Mary Haight
Rod at Go Pet Friendly mentioned getting all the shelters and rescues in Denver involved, and I would hope most everyone on their mailing lists would join in, because this is a “home rule” issue, as Emily S and Jan mentioned. I’ve written about BSL over the nearly year and a half I’ve been blogging, and have seen what towns like Elgin Il pull to get this reprehensible ordinance put in place. Even against all expert testimony. We have to put a stop to this by as you say educating and speaking out, so perhaps a layered strategy of “piling on” can be devised, and a PR agent in Denver – perhaps a friend to one of the shelters -could be enlisted to help build and maintain media coverage?
Also, the other Oh Mi Dog! Pulitzer prize winning journalist John Woestendiek and his pit bull Ace may be a very good person (and dog) to approach in this regard. He is very pro pb as you can see from his writing, a recent post re Boston’s BSL being only one of many. Let me know what you think, if you know him?
Hi, Mary! Thank you for your comment. I’m definitely reaching out to both Denver-area shelters and the press. I’m amazed and just so grateful for how many organizations have already reached out and offered their support, and I greatly appreciate your insights. I don’t know Oh Mi Dog! I’m going to click on over and check out that site right away! Thanks for the tip!